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Teen enjoying therapy session

Rooted Services

We can help with...

Helping Hand Icon
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Building Friendships

Does your child need help knowing how to choose, make and keep friends?

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Has more tech time meant your child forgets how to handwrite properly?

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Coordination & Strength

Can your child be clumsy and tired very easily?

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Has your child lost their spark &  feeling "meh" about things that used to bring them joy?


Organization & Executive Function

Do you often see a tornado around your child no matter what the space?

How do I start getting Rooted?


Intake: Q&A's

Learn how Rooted can help! 

Contact us via email:
or call: 805-316-5163

Press the Button

Choose a package

Check out the evaluation and service packages below. Choose the best fit.


Forms & Waivers

Share relevant background info. Makes sure we're being safe and on the same page. 


Schedule Services

Find a time that fits your schedule for 60 minute weekly sessions.

When it comes to therapy, one size does not fit all. With our customized services, each client can have a package that "fits best" based on their needs. 


Check out the Group and Individual Treatment packages below and choose the best plan to help your child achieve their goals of becoming more confident, coordinated, and connected.


If a client has already had an evaluation (OT or Psychoeducational) in the past year, it can be used to help determine their plan of care and goals.


If your child has not had an evaluation in the past year, you can have the option of choosing an OT evaluation package. The results from the OT evaluation  will help determine plan of care and goals.

Evaluation & Treatment Packages

kids participating in nature based OT session by the river

Group Treatment Packages

*Payment plans available

Teens enjoying games at therapy session

Nature Ninjas OT Group Benefits

Sometimes kids need

extra help with socialization

  • Reciprocal conversations

  • Listening & body language

  • Setting & respecting boundaries

  • Perspective-taking

  • Navigating relationships

  • Emotional regulation

Sometimes kids need

extra help with movement

  • Controlling movements

  • Impulsivity

  • Body awareness around others

  • Teamwork with common goals

  • Turn-taking

  • Managing risks

When kids need extra help

with socialization & movement - we're here to help! 

OT Group Details:

Green Leaf

Eight 90-minute OT sessions, drop off  

Green Leaf

3 Nature OT Groups for various grade level: Pre-K / K and 1st graders / 1st and 2nd graders

Green Leaf

6 kids + 2 adults/grp = specialized support

Green Leaf

Location:  SLO outdoor area, TBD

Green Leaf

Weekly email of photos + activity summary

Green Leaf

Potty-trained & able to stay with a group required

Green Leaf

One-time initial mini-evaluation is required to identify child's OT goals (Add'l $400).

Green Leaf

Spaces also available for "Peer Playmates" that can benefit from the structured play and OT guidance.


Balance split into 2 payments : $348

 (Total Group fee :  $996) + 1-time Eval fee

Unsure which would be the best fit for your little one?
We can help you decide!


*Payment plans available

Individual Evaluation packages

(For clients who have not had an OT

or Psychoeducational evaluation within the past year.)

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Individual Treatment Packages

*Payment plans available


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Initial assessments to have baseline performance in areas of need, separate fee.

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Ten 60-minute OT sessions

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One 30 minute phone consultations

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48 hour response to texts & emails

 1 payment of : 

$1,975 by check 

 3 payments of : 


by credit card includes 3% processing fee



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Initial assessments to have baseline performance in areas of need, separate fee.

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Ten 60-minute OT sessions

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Three 30 minute phone consultations to support through creative problem-solving

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Google Classroom space for OT Q&A

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24 hour response to texts & emails

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Weekly written update on client performance

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Weekly video update on client's progress explaining therapeutic approaches

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Home  recommendations based on skills and needs

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Access to 3-5 OT tools to try at home

 1 payment of : 

$2,350 by check

 3 payments of : 

$807 by credit card

Includes 3% processing fee


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Initial assessments to have baseline performance in areas of need, separate fee.

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Twelve 60-minute OT sessions

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Three 45-min in-home or school-based consultations, or the equivalent

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Google Classroom space for OT Q&A

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2 hour response to OT via text & vmail

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Weekly video update on client's progress explaining therapeutic approaches

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Access to 5-7 OT tools to try at home with progress monitoring guidance

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Weekly comprehensive written update on client's performance

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Access to evidence-based research articles, websites, apps, and media regarding relevant areas of need

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Home Program and recommendations with progress monitoring guidance

 1 payment of : 

$3,187 by check

$1,095 by credit card

 3 payments of : 

Includes 3% processing fee

We're happy to help you decide which is the best fit!

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